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Petrobras shows results of investments in innovation at OTC Brasil

The Company, leader in patent filing in the country, accumulates awards and has already invested more than BRL 21 billion in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D, I)

Published in 26/10/2023 at 17:50:37

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This Wednesday (Oct 25), Maiza Goulart, executive manager at the Petrobras Research, Development and Innovation Center (Cenpes), participated in the “ANP, 25 years developing the R&D ecosystem in the country” panel.  During this period, Petrobras invested another BRL 21 billion in development research with Brazilian scientific institutions, through the clause of the National Petroleum Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), which establishes a percentage of investment by oil and gas companies. The result is shown in national and international awards. The company is, today, the largest patent applicant in the country and created a program that integrates, streamlines and encourages the entire innovation ecosystem, from academia to suppliers.

“Over the years, Petrobras has invested BRL 3 billion in R&D infrastructure in the campuses of the country's main scientific institutions, creating conditions for carrying out various projects with the opening of more than 300 laboratories and the acquisition of 8,000 pieces of equipment.  We create connections between our highly qualified technical staff and around 9,000 notable researchers from other institutions. We currently have more than 180 innovation partners. Our investment in R&D allows us to be a 70-year-old company that always innovates and renews itself”, he analyzed.

Another BRL 1.5 billion was invested in encouraging education, such as the Human Resources Development Program (PRH-ANP), which provides scholarships for training, master's degrees and doctorates.  
A study carried out by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) shows that researchers linked to Petrobras projects have published more than 8,000 books and also have higher quality and individual production than other Brazilian researchers, with 6 times more articles published in specialized vehicles.

Petrobras created the Petrobras Connections for Innovation program for relationships with the entire innovative ecosystem, aiming to accelerate the development and implementation of new technologies in the company. The program is divided into modules, according to the different technological proposals and needs mapped by the company, which are disseminated to members of the innovation ecosystem, such as startups and science and technology institutions.


In 2022, Petrobras, which has more than 1100 active patents, for the second consecutive year, broke the record for patent filing requests with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), with 128 new applications filed, surpassing the 119 applications of 2021. With this record, the company maintains leadership among applicants in Brazil: companies, universities and Institutes of Science and Technology. The company improved its performance in this ranking: going up from 5th place in 2019 to 2nd in 2020 and, in the last two years, it has been the leader in patent applications.


Petrobras received five awards from the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), which is considered the Oscar of the oil and gas industry. Some are related to the development of technologies that made it possible to explore pre-salt fields, considered a new frontier in existing knowledge in the industry. This Thursday (Oct 26) the company receives the 6th award, the result of an unprecedented combination that provides a reduction in costs and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the company's operations, among other benefits.

Petrobras is also among the biggest winners of the ANP Innovation Award. Last year alone, it won four of the five award categories.


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