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Petrobras tops patent application record in 2023

The company also reached, ahead of schedule, the goal of 1200 active patents established in 2023

Published in 08/01/2024 at 11:29:28

O investimento em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação, de U$ 3,6 bi, é o maior da história da empresa

Photo: Rafael Pereira


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For the third consecutive year, Petrobras topped its patent application record, with 142 applications registered at the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), surpassing the figures obtained in the last two years: 119 and 128 applications. The company went from 5th place in the ranking of applicants in 2019, to 2nd in 2020 and, since last year, it has been leading when it comes to patent applications. Petrobras also surpassed the goal of 1200 active patents, maintaining its leadership among national applicants, including companies and universities, and is awaiting confirmation from INPI to find out if it has reached the national record.

“It is with great satisfaction that we celebrate this achievement by Petrobras, a company with 70 years of history that is still an example of what innovation can do. This result proves the importance of our growing investment in research, which generates benefits for society, with increased safety and decarbonization of our operations and contributes significantly to the fair energy transition movement that we are undertaking, stated Petrobras CEO Jean Paul Prates.

The company's Strategic Plan, recently released, foresees investments of US$ 3.6 billion in RD&I from 2024 to 2028, the highest in the company's history, with an increase in investments in decarbonization and new energy of around 30% in 2028.

“For Petrobras, technology and knowledge are critical for sustainable development, and this is embedded in the company's DNA. Our RD&I goals target efficiency and future business diversification through innovation, and our patent portfolio will become increasingly robust as a result. We have the largest research center in Latin America - Cenpes - which interacts with the entire innovative ecosystem in the country, highlighted the company's Executive Officer for Engineering, Technology and Innovation, Carlos Travassos.

In the last decade, Petrobras invested more than R$ 24 billion in Research, Development, and Innovation, most of this amount in partnerships with Science and Technology Institutions (STIs). In 2022 alone, more than R$4 billion were invested, one billion more than the previous year. The 2023 figures will be known in the next balance sheet.

The majority of projects related to the 2023 orders were developed to meet demands in exploration and production, refining, gas and power, renewable energies, and sustainable development projects such as decarbonization and emissions reduction. In the last two years (2021 and 2022) around 13% of patents filed were related to decarbonization and new energies. In 2023, Petrobras has made important partnerships in the offshore wind energy sector, processed the world's first 100% renewable cargo at a refinery, and is continuing to invest in research on hydrogen, carbon capture, offshore wind and solar, biorefinery, new production systems, and other areas.


Responsible for filing the company’s patents, the Petrobras Research Center (Cenpes) turned 60 on December 4th. With around a thousand of its own researchers and 9,000 associates, it is dedicated exclusively to technology research and development and coordinates Petrobras' RD&I efforts.

Another innovation driver for the company is the Petrobras Connections for Innovation program, which connects the company with the entire innovative ecosystem, from startups, universities, Science and Technology Institutions (STIs) to companies. In 2023 alone, more than 200 challenges were launched under the program, which totaled R$1 billion in contracted investment and 800 partnerships signed. Divided into targeted modules, it brings together different ways of developing, testing or commercializing technologies with Petrobras.

Awards in 2023

The results of investments in RD&I are reflected in several awards. This year alone, Petrobras:

_Received its sixth Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) award, the offshore industry's leading oil and gas conference.

_Won 4 of the five categories of the ANP Innovation Award for the second consecutive time;

_Gained 1st place in the Valor Inovação award, in the Oil and Gas category and 2nd general place;

_It was ranked among the 20 most innovative companies in Brazil by MIT Technology Review;

_Ranked 1st place in Oil and Gas and 12th general in the 100 Open Startups Ranking that chooses the companies that most engage with startups.

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