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Petrobras has achieved a record low for the amount of gas flared off by its natural gas processing plants

These Results will help to reduce the company's operational greenhouse gas emissions

Published in 11/01/2024 at 13:26:38

Cacimbas Gas Treatment Unit

Photo: Petrobras Collection


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Petrobras achieved a best ever annual figure for the percentage of gas flared off by the Natural Gas Processing plants that are linked to the company's Industrial Processes and Products Directorate in 2023, reaching a record low of 0.16%. This indicator is a measure of the percentage of gas flared off, compared to the total production for all of the plants.

This is a result of the company's efforts to make its operations more efficient and to emit less greenhouse gases (GHG). This contributes to the Company's strategic objectives, which focus on a constant search for operational excellence. It is one of the areas of our Carbon Neutral Program, which will have a positive impact on the environment and for people.

From 2017 to 2023, this indicator has fallen by 78% in total, from 0.72% to 0.16%, and has shown a consistently downward trend. It is estimated that this improvement over the period is equivalent to preventing the release of 971 thousand tons of CO2, based on the rate for the first year of this period. It is worth mentioning that the total processing capacity of the plants covered by these figures is 65.2 million m3/day.
According to the director of Industrial Processes and Products at Petrobras, William França, the result they have achieved is due to their technical staff focusing closely on implementing the company's strategic objectives. “We are well aware that Petrobras is committed to achieving high levels of excellence in its performance, but the impact the brand is having also demonstrates how important it is for us to support a fair energy transition and this is now one of the company's main objectives,” França stated.

Maurício Tolmasquim, Petrobras' Director of Energy Transition and Sustainability, also highlighted the fact that Petrobras reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 39% between 2015 and 2022. “Efficiency Improvement Indicators like this are fundamental if we are to achieve our emissions reduction commitments for our operations more effectively and at lower cost”, commented Tolmasquim.
About Flaring
Flaring is not part of the process for producing gas. Instead, it is an important safety mechanism in a gas processing plant. Its function is to prevent flammable or toxic gas being released into the atmosphere. Instead, these compounds are burnt safely.
Decarbonizing operations and low-carbon investment
Petrobras has a set of targets for reducing emissions for the medium and long term (2025 and 2030). These coverall of its activities (scope 1 and scope 2). As well as having a target to reduce overall operational emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2015), Petrobras also aims to have neutral operational emissions for greenhouse gases for all of the activities in Brazil under its control by 2050.
Petrobras recently announced its 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. One of the main drivers of this plan is ensuring that the company is ready for a more sustainable future, and working towards a fair and safe energy transition in this country, by reconciling the current focus on oil and gas with the need to diversify the portfolio with additional low carbon business.

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